医学电子书 >> 《生理学》 >> 索引 |
生理学 |
目录 |
暗适应 | Dark adaptation | 285 |
暗视觉 | Scotopic vision | 280 |
被动转运 | Passive transport | 13 |
白细胞 | Leukocyte | 62 |
背侧呼吸组 | dorsal respiratory group | 174 |
搏功 | Stroke work | 90 |
变力作用 | Inotropic action | 132 |
变时作用 | Chronotropic action | 132 |
变传导作用 | Dromtropic action | 132 |
比顺应性 | Specific compliance | 156 |
补吸气量 | Inspiratoryreserve volume | 159 |
补呼气量 | Expiratory reserve volume | 159 |
不完全强直收缩 | Incomplete tetanus | 50 |
不感蒸发(不显汗) | Insensible perpiration | 232 |
编码(作用) | Encoding | 269 |
边缘系统 | Babinski’s sign | 336 |
巴彬斯基征 | Limbic system | 356 |
α波阻断 | α-boock | 364 |
出胞 | Exocytosis | 312 |
出血时间 | Bleeding time | 68 |
刺激 | Stimulus | 25 |
超常期 | Supranormal period | 26 |
超极化 | Hyperpolarization | 28 |
超速驱动压抑 | Overdrive suppression | 108 |
初长度 | Initial length | 46 |
促红细胞生成素 | Erythropoietin,EPO | 61 |
促胰液素 | Secretin | 204 |
促甲状腺激素 | Thyroid stimulating hormone,TSH | 382 |
促甲状腺激素释放激素 | Thyrotropin-releaxing hormone,TRH | 378 |
促性腺激素释放激素 | Gonadotropin-releasing hormone,GnRH | 379 |
促肾上腺皮质激素释放激素 | Corticotropin-releasing hormone,CRH | 380 |
促肾上腺皮质激素 | Adrenocorticotropin,ACTH | 382 |
促阿片-黑素细胞皮质素原 | Pro-opiomelanocrtin,POMC | 380 |
(阿黑皮素原) | ||
长度-张力曲线 | Length-tension curve | 46,93 |
长时性记忆 | Long term memory | 359 |
长时程增强 | Long-term potentiation | 361 |
充盈期(相) | filling period(phase) | 88 |
充盈压 | Filling pressure | 92 |
层流 | Laminar flow | 116 |
湍流 | Turbulence | 116,117 |
潮气量 | Tidal volume | 159 |
肠抑胃素 | Enterogastrone | 202 |
肠-胃反射 | Enterogastric reflex | 202 |
肠致活酶 | Enterokinase | 208 |
产热 | Production of heat | 230 |
传导 | Conduction | 97,231 |
传递蛋白 | Transducin | 281 |
传入侧支性抑制 | Afferent collateral inhibition | 322 |
窗孔结构 | Fenestration | 244 |
重吸收 | Reabsoption | 128 |
操作条件反射 | Operate conditioned reflex | 358 |
催产素 | Oxytocin,OXT | 385 |
催乳素 | Prolactin,PRL | 382 |
雌二醇 | Estradiol,E2 | 398 |
单纯扩散 | Simple diffusion | 11 |
单收缩 | Single twitch | 49 |
单位平滑肌 | Single-unit smooth muscle | 52 |
单核细胞 | Monocyte | 62,65 |
电-化学势 | Electro-chemical potential | 14 |
电压门控通道 | Voltage-gated channel | 19 |
电压钳 | Voltage clamp | 32 |
电紧张性扩布 | Electrotonic propagation | 37 |
电突触 | Electric synapse | 306 |
第二信使 | Second messenger | 21,373 |
低常期 | Subnormal period | 26 |
动作电位 | Action potential | 25,27 |
动脉血压 | Arterial blood pressure | J118 |
动脉脉搏 | Atrerial pulse | 118 |
动-静脉吻合支 | Arteriovenous anastomosis | 126 |
动毛 | Kinocilium | 294 |
等长收缩 | Isometric contraction | 46 |
等张收缩 | Isotonic contraction | 49 |
等容收缩期 | Isovolumic systole | 86 |
等容舒张期 | Isovolumic diastole | 88 |
多单位平滑肌 | Multi-unit smooth muscle | 52 |
定向祖细胞 | Committed progenitors | 58 |
定比重吸收 | Constant fraction reabsorption | 257 |
代偿性间歇 | Compensatory pause | 107 |
代谢 | Metabolism | 218 |
端压 | End pressrure | 118 |
胆囊收缩素 | Cholecystokinin(CCK) | 205 |
胆盐 | Bile salt | 206 |
胆盐的肠肝循环 | Enterohepatic circulation of bile salt | 207 |
对流 | Convection | 231 |
毒蕈碱受体 | Muscarinic receptor | 313 |
短时性记忆 | Short term memory | 359 |
蛋白激酶C | Protein kinase C,PKC | 375 |
二酰油 | Diacyl glycerol | 22 |
二氧化碳解离曲线 | Carbon dioxide dissociation curve | 171,172 |
反馈 | Feedback | 324 |
反射弧 | Rdflex arc | 3,317 |
锋电位 | Spike potential | 29 |
房室延搁 | Atrioventricular delay | 110 |
非自律细胞 | Non-rhythmic cell | 97 |
非蛋白呼吸商 | Non-protein respiratory quotient,NPRQ | 221 |
非突触性化学传递 | Non-synaptic chemical transmission | 305 |
非特异投射系统 | Nonspecific projection system | 327 |
非联合型学习 | Non-associative learning | 358 |
复活 | Reactivqtion | 106 |
肺循环 | Pulmonary circulation | 145 |
肺通气 | Pulmonary ventilation | 150 |
肺内压 | Intrapulmonary pressure | 154 |
肺泡表面活性物质 | Alveolar surfactant | 156 |
肺活量 | Vital capacity | 160 |
肺总量 | Total lung capacity | 160 |
肺泡通气量 | Alveolar ventilation | 160,161 |
肺扩散容量 | Pulmonary diffusion capacity | 165 |
肺牵张反射 | Pulmonary stretch reflex | 175 |
腹式呼吸 | Abdominal breathing | 152 |
腹侧呼吸组 | Ventral respiratory group | 174 |
分节运动 | Segmentation contraction | 208 |
放能反应 | Exergonic reaction | 218 |
辐射原则 | Divergence principle | 318 |
辐射 | Radiation | 231 |
发汗 | Sweating(perspiration) | 232 |
翻正反射 | Righting reflex | 341 |
防御反应区 | Defense zone | 355 |
钙调蛋白 | Calmodulin | 51,375 |
肝素 | Heparin | 72 |
工作(心肌)细胞 | Working(cardiac)cell | 97 |
冠脉循环 | Coronary circulation | 143 |
功能余气量 | Functional residual volume | 159 |
管球反馈 | Tubuloglomerular feedback | 258 |
光适应 | Light adaptation | 285 |
感觉柱 | Sensory column | 329 |
感觉失语症 | Xensory aphasia | 362 |
感觉区 | Sensory area | 331 |
睾酮 | Testosterone,T | 411 |
化学门控通道 | Chmically gated channel | 18 |
化学感受性反射 | Chemoreceptor rdflex | 137 |
化学感受器 | Chemoreceptor | 177 |
后电位 | Afterpotential | 29 |
后负荷 | Afterload | 46 |
后放 | Atfterdischarge | 321 |
河豚毒 | Tetrodotoxin | 34 |
横桥 | Cross bridge | 43 |
横桥联接 | Cross bridge attachment | 94 |
滑行学说 | Sliding theory | 42 |
红细胞 | Erythrocyte | 57,59 |
缓冲神经 | Buffer neerves | 136 |
呼吸 | Respiration | 150 |
呼气 | Expiration | 152 |
呼吸运动 | Respiratory movement | 152 |
呼吸困难 | Dysp(o)nea | 152 |
呼吸调节中枢 | Pneumotaxic center | 173 |
呼吸热量计 | Respiration calorimeter | 219 |
呼吸商 | Respiratory quotient | 220 |
回漏 | Back-leak | 247 |
回返性抑制 | Recurrent inhibition | 322 |
壶腹 | Ampulla | 295 |
海马环路 | Hippocmpal circuit | 361 |
黄体生成素 | Luteinizing hormone,LH | 382 |
(间质细胞刺激素) | (interstitial cell stimulating hormone,ICSH) | |
环-磷腺苷 | Cyclic AMP,cAMP | 373 |
继发性主动转运 | Secondary active transport | 15 |
绝对不应期 | Absolute refractory period | 26 |
极化 | Polarization | 28 |
局部兴奋 | Local excitation | 36 |
局部神经元回路 | Local neuronal circuit | 306 |
局部回路神经元 | Local circuit neuron | 306 |
肌原纤维 | Myofibril | 41 |
肌小节 | Sarcomere | 41 |
肌凝蛋白(肌球蛋白) | Myosin | 44 |
肌纤蛋白(肌动蛋白) | Actin | 43 |
肌钙蛋白(原宁蛋白) | Tropnin | 44 |
肌紧张 | Muscle tonus | 336 |
肌梭 | Muscle spindle | 37 |
集落刺激因子 | Colonystimulating factor,CSF | 62 |
浆细胞 | Plasma cell | 63 |
巨核细胞 | Megakaryocytes | 66 |
交叉配血试验 | Cross-match test | 83 |
交换血管 | Exchange vessel | 116 |
交互性突触 | Reciprocal synapse | 306 |
静息心指数 | Resting cardiac index | 89 |
静息张力 | Resting tension | 92 |
静脉回心血量 | Venous return | 122 |
静毛 | Stereocilia | 294 |
激肽释放酶-激肽系统 | Kallikrein-kinin system | 140 |
激素 | Hormone | 370 |
解剖无效腔 | Anatomical dead space | 161 |
基本电节律 | Basic electrical rhythm | 185 |
基础代谢 | Basal metabolic rate | 226 |
基础代谢率 | Basal metabolic rate | 226 |
假饲 | Sham-feeding | 198 |
假怒 | Sham rage | 355 |
直接测热法 | Direct calorimetry | 219 |
菊粉 | Inulin | 263 |
简化眼 | Reduced eye | 274 |
聚合原则 | Convergence principle | 318 |
脊休克 | Spinal shock | 335 |
甲状腺素(四碘甲腺原氨酸) | Thyroxin,3,5,3’,5’-tetraiodlthyronine,T4 | 387 |
甲状腺球蛋白 | Thyroglobulin,TG | 389 |
甲状腺素结合球蛋白 | Thyroxine-binding globulin,TBG | 390 |
甲状旁腺激素 | Parathyroid hormone,PTH | 394 |
降钙素 | Calcitomin,CT | 396 |
焦度 | Diopter | 273 |
跨膜信号传递 | Transmembrane signaling | 17 |
跨膜信号转换 | Transmembrane signal transduction | 18 |
跨膜静息电位 | Transmembrane reating potential | 28 |
快速(即早)基因 | Immediate-early gene | 24 |
快速射血期(相) | Rapid ejection period(phase) | 87 |
快痛 | Fast pain | 332 |
空间性总和 | Spitial summation | 37 |
抗凝物质 | Anticoagulant | 68 |
抗利尿激素 | Antidiuretic hormone | 259 |
可感蒸发 | Sensible perspiration | 232 |
酪氨酸蛋白激酶受体 | Tyrosine kinase receptor | 23 |
量子式释放 | Quantal release | 39 |
粒细胞 | Granulocyte | 62 |
淋巴细胞 | Lymphocyte | 62,65 |
淋巴液 | Lymph | 130 |
冷敏神经元 | Cold-sensitive neuron | 235 |
滤过 | Filtration | 129 |
滤过裂孔隙 | Filtration slit membrane | 242 |
联合型学习 | Associative learning | 358 |
裂脑 | Split brain | 363 |
卵泡刺激素 | Follicle-stimulating hormone,FSH | 382 |
膜片钳 | Patch clamp | 30,34 |
每搏输出量 | Stroke volume | 89 |
每分功(心脏) | Minute work(heart) | 90 |
每分输出量 | Minute volume(heart) | 89 |
每分通气量 | Minute ventilation volume | 160 |
脉搏压 | Pulse pressure | 119 |
毛细血管前阻力 | Precapillary resistance | 115 |
毛细血管后阻力 | Postcapillary resistance | 116 |
毛细血管前括约肌 | Precapillary sphincter | 116 |
毛细血管 | Capillary | 116 |
慢痛 | Slow pain | 332 |
慢波睡眠 | Slow wave sleep | 368 |
内环境 | Internal environment | 3,54 |
内因子 | Inintrinsic factor | 60 |
内源性激活途径 | Intrinsic route | 69 |
内皮舒张因子 | Endothelium-derived relaxing factor(EDRF) | 139 |
内皮缩血管因子 | Endothlium-derived vasoconstrictor factor(EDCF) | 139 |
内皮素 | Endothelin | 139 |
内脏痛 | Visceral pain | 33 |
钠泵 | Sodium pump | 14 |
鸟苷酸结合蛋白(G-蛋白) | Guanine nucleotide-binding protein(G-protein) | 22 |
凝血因子 | Blood clotting factors | 68 |
凝血酶 | Thrombin | 71 |
凝集原 | Agglutinogen | 78 |
凝集素 | Agglutinin | 78 |
粘滞度 | Viscosity | 57 |
粘液 | Mucus | 196 |
粘液-碳酸氢盐屏障 | Mucus-bicarbonate barrier | 196 |
脑缺血反应 | Brain ischemia response | 137 |
脑循环 | Cerbral circulation | 146 |
脑脊液 | Cerebrospinal fluid | 147 |
脑电图 | Electroencephalogram,EEG | 364 |
能量代谢 | Energy metabolism | 218 |
逆向转运 | Antiport | 247 |
逆向转运体(交换体) | Antiporter(exchanger) | 247 |
逆行性遗忘症 | Retrograde amnesia | 361 |
囊斑 | Macula | 396 |
呕吐 | vomiting | 202 |
坪(平台) | plateau | 99 |
泊隶叶定律 | Poiseuilli’s law | 117 |
平静呼吸 | Eupn(o)ea (quiet breathing) | 152 |
排便 | Defecation | 211 |
排尿 | Micturition | 269 |
排尿欲 | Micturition desire | 266 |
排卵 | Ovulation | 415 |
皮肤温度 | Skin temperature | 231 |
皮质醇 | Cortisol | 398 |
皮质类固醇结合球蛋白 | Corticosteroid-binding globulin,CBG | 398 |
旁锥体系 | Parapyramidal system | 347 |
旁分泌 | Paracrine | 4 |
前馈 | Feed-forward | 5 |
前负荷 | Preload | 46 |
前体细胞 | Precursors | 59 |
前裂腺素 | Prostaglandin,PG | 140,409 |
去极化(除极) | Depolarzation | 28 |
去大脑僵直 | Decerebrate rigidity | 339 |
去皮层僵直 | Decorticate rigidity | 340 |
去甲肾上腺素 | Norepinephrine,NE | 309,403 |
“全或无”现象 | “all or none”phenomenon | 30 |
期前收缩(期外收缩) | Premature systole(extrasystole) | 107 |
起搏电流 | Pacemaker current | 102 |
气胸 | Pneumothorax | 154 |
气道阻力 | Airway resistance | 158 |
气体交换 | Gas eschange | 161 |
气体扩散速率 | Diffusion rate of gas | 162 |
球管平衡 | Glomerulotubular balance | 257 |
醛固酮诱导蛋白 | Aldosterone-induced protein | 260 |
醛固酮 | Aldosterone | 260,397 |
曲张体 | Varicosity | 52 |
牵涉痛 | Referred pain | 333 |
牵张反射 | Stretch reflex | 336 |
屈肌反射 | Flexor reflex | 336 |
人白细胞抗原 | Human leudocyte antigen,HLA | 82 |
人绒毛膜促性腺激素 | Human chorionic gonadotropin,HCG | 420 |
入胞 | Endocytosis | 16 |
容量血管 | Capacitance vessel | 116 |
容量感受器 | Volume receptor | 136 |
蠕动 | Peristalsis | 193,209 |
绒毛 | Vullus | 419 |
绒毛收缩素 | Villikinin | 214 |
乳糜微粒 | Chylomicron | 216 |
热价 | Thermal equivalent | 220 |
热喘呼吸 | Panting | 232 |
热敏神经元 | Warm-sensitive neuron | 235 |
闰绍细胞 | Renshaw cell | 308 |
上行运动神经元麻痹 | Upper motorneuron paralysis | 348 |
上行抑制系统 | Ascenging inhibitory system | 369 |
神经垂体激素运载蛋白 | Neurophysin | 385 |
神经调节 | Neuroregulation | 3.130 |
神经递质 | Neurotransmitter | 307 |
神经激素 | Neurohormone | 370 |
神经分泌 | Neurocrine | 370 |
三磷酸肌醇 | Inositol triphosphate | 22 |
三碘甲腺原氨酸 | 3,5,3’-triiodothyronine,T3 | 387 |
α受体 | α-receptor | 314 |
β受体 | β-receptor | 314 |
时间性总和 | Tempoal summation | 37 |
时间肺活量 | Timed vital capacity | 160 |
四乙基铵 | Tetraethylammonium | 34 |
输血 | Blood transfusion | 77 |
嗜酸性粒细胞 | Eosnophils | 64 |
嗜碱性粒细胞 | Basophils | 64 |
射血分数 | Ejection fraction | 90 |
射血期(相) | Ejection period(phase) | 87 |
收缩能力(肌) | Contractility | 49 |
收缩(心缩期) | Systole | 86 |
收缩压 | Systolic pressure | 120 |
舒张压 | Diastolic pressure | 120 |
舒张(心舒)期 | Diastole | 88 |
舒血管纤维 | Vasodilator fiber | 132 |
水肿 | Edema | 129 |
水利尿 | Water diuresis | 260 |
缩血管神经纤维 | Vasoconstrictor fiber | 132 |
肾素-血管紧张素系统 | Renin-angiotensin sysem | 137 |
肾血流量 | Renal blood flow | 241 |
肾小球滤过率 | Renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system | 241.242.262 |
肾血浆流量 | Renal plasma flow | 246 |
肾素-血管紧张素-醛固酮系统 | Renin-angiotensig-aldosterone system | 260 |
肾上腺素 | Epinephrine,E | 403 |
渗透浓度 | Osmolality | 253 |
渗透性利尿 | Osmotic diuresis | 260 |
顺应性 | Compliance | 155 |
顺向性遗忘症 | Anterograde ameesia | 361 |
深吸气量 | Inspiratory capacity | 159 |
生理无效腔 | Physiological dead space | 161 |
生长抑素 | Growth hormone release-inhibiting hormone GHRIH | 380 |
生物节律 | Biorhythm | 355 |
生长素 | Growth hormone,GH | 382 |
生长介素 | Somatomedin,SM | 383 |
生长素释放激素 | Growth hormone releasing hormone,GHRH | 380 |
生殖 | Reproduction | 411 |
升压素 | Vasopressin,VP | 385 |
食团 | Bolus | 192 |
食管-胃括约肌 | Esophageal-gastric sphincter | 193 |
食糜 | Chyme | 201 |
食物的特殊动力作用 | Specific dynamic action | 225 |
散热 | Loss of heat | 230 |
适宜刺激 | Adequate stimulus | 268 |
适应(感觉器) | Adaptation | 271 |
视敏度 | Visual acuity | 274 |
视杆细胞 | Rod | 278 |
视锥细胞 | Cone | 278 |
视紫红质 | Rhodopsin | 279 |
视蛋白 | opsin | 279 |
视黄醛 | Retinal | 279 |
视野 | Visual field | 286 |
视网膜电图 | Elecrtoretinogram | 286 |
权突-树突型抑制 | Dendrodendrtic inhibition | 324 |
梭内肌纤维 | Intrafusal fiber | 337 |
梭外肌纤维 | Extrafuxla fiber | 337 |
失活 | Inactivation | 33 |
失写症 | Agraphia | 362 |
失读症 | Alexia | 362 |
失用症 | Apraxia | 363 |
褪黑素 | melatonin | 408 |
体液调节 | Humoral regulation | 233,353 |
体温 | Body temperature | 218,228 |
体表面积 | Body surface area | 226 |
通透性 | Permeability | 11 |
通气/血流比值 | Ventlation-perfusion ratio | 164 |
通血毛细血管 | Preferential channel | 125 |
吞饮 | Pinocytosis | 193 |
跳跃式传导 | Saltatory conduction | 38 |
调定点 | Set point | 353 |
调质 | Modulator | 311 |
条件反射 | Conditioned reflex | 3 |
碳酸酐酶 | Carbonic angydrase | 195 |
突触小体 | Synaptic knob,synaptic bouton | 303.304 |
突触前受体 | Presynaptic receptor | 315 |
突触后抑制 | Postsynaptic inhibition | 321 |
突触前抑制 | Presynaptic inhibition | 321 |
特异投射系统 | Specific projection system | 327 |
稳态 | homeostasis | 3,55 |
完全强直收缩 | Complete tetanus | 50 |
外源性激活途径 | Extrinsic route | 69 |
外周阻力 | Peripheral resistance | 119 |
外周静脉压 | Peripheral venous pressure | 123 |
外周化学感受器 | Peripheral chemoreceptor | 177 |
微循环 | Microcirculation | 125 |
微胶粒 | Micelle | 206 |
微绒毛 | Microvilli | 213 |
微音器电位 | Microphonic potential | 292 |
胃蛋白酶原 | Pepsinogen | 195 |
胃动素 | Motilin | 189 |
胃排空 | Gastric empty | 201 |
网状结构上行激动系统 | Ascending reticular activating system | 329 |
位置性眼震颤 | Positional nystagmus | 342 |
舞蹈病 | Chorea | 344 |
性激素结合球蛋白 | Sex hormone-binding globulin,SHBG | 412 |
雄激素结合蛋白 | Androgen binding protein,ABP | 412 |
信号系统学说 | Signal system theory | 359 |
效应器酶(膜) | Effector enzyme | 21 |
腺苷酸环化酶 | Adenylate cyclase | 374 |
细胞间通道 | Intercellular channel | 21 |
兴奋性 | Excitability | 24 |
兴奋 | Excitation | 24 |
兴奋-收缩耦联 | Excitation-contraction coupling | 45 |
兴奋性突触后电位 | Excitatory postsynaptic potential | 319 |
相对不应期 | Relative refractory period | 107 |
Rh血型系统 | Rh system | 81 |
血量 | Blood volume | 55 |
血小板 | Platelets,thrombocyte | 66,75 |
血清 | Serum | 68 |
血液凝固 | Blood coagulation | 68 |
血浆 | Plasma | 56 |
血型 | Blood flow | 77 |
血小板的聚集过程 | Velocity of blood flow | 75 |
血流量 | Blood flow | 116 |
血流速度 | Velocity of blood flow | 116 |
血压 | Bolld pressure | 116 |
血管升压素 | Vasopressin | 139 |
血-脑屏障 | Bolld-cerebrospinal fluid barrier | 148 |
血红蛋白 | Hemoglobin | 167 |
循环系统平均充盈压 | Mean circulatory filling pressure | 118 |
纤维蛋白溶解酶 | Plasmin | 73 |
纤维蛋白溶解系统 | Fibrinolytic system | 68,73 |
心电图 | Electrocardiogram | 113 |
心动周期 | Cardiac cycle | 85 |
心房收缩期 | Atrial systole | 86 |
收肌收缩性 | Myocardial contractility | 94 |
心力贮备 | Cardiac reserve | 96 |
心室功能曲线 | Ventricular function curve | 92 |
心室收缩期 | Ventricular systole | 86 |
心室舒张期 | Venrticular diastole | 88 |
心输出量 | Cardiac output | 89 |
心音 | Heart sound | 96 |
心音图 | Phonocardiogram | 96 |
心指数 | Cardiac index | 89 |
心作功 | Myocardial work | 90 |
心血管中枢 | Cardiovascular center | 133 |
心房利尿钠肽 | Atrial natriuretic peptide | 140,261 |
吸气 | Inspiration | 151 |
吸气切断机制 | Inspiratory off-switch mechanism | 175 |
吸收 | Absorption | 184 |
吸能反应 | Endergonic reaction | 218 |
小汗腺 | Eccrine gland | 233 |
小脑性共济失调 | Cerebellar ataxia | 243 |
胸式呼吸 | Thoracic breathing | 152 |
胸膜腔内压 | Intrapulmonary pressure | 154 |
胸腺素 | Thymosin | 409 |
消化 | Digestion | 154 |
行波理论 | Theory of traveling wave | 290 |
行为觉醒 | Behavioral arousal | 367 |
下运动神经元麻痹 | Lower motorneuron paralysis | 348 |
下丘脑调节肽 | Hypothalamus regulatory peptide,HRP | 377 |
液态镶嵌模型 | Fluid massaic model | 8 |
易化扩散 | Facilitated diffusion | 12 |
易化区 | Facilitatory region | 339 |
原癌基因 | Proto-oncogene | 23 |
原肌凝蛋白 | Tropomyosin | 44 |
阈值 | Thresshold | 26 |
阈下刺激 | Subliminal(subthreshold)stimulus | 26 |
α-银环蛇毒 | α-bungarotoxin | 41 |
有效不应期 | Effective refractory period | 107 |
有效滤过压 | Effective filtration pressure | 242,244 |
压力感受性反射 | Baroreceptor reflex | 135 |
用力呼吸 | Forced breathing | 160 |
余气量 | Residual volume | 159 |
氧容量 | Oxygen capacity | 168 |
氧含量 | Oxygen content | 168 |
氧饱和度 | Oxygen saturation | 168 |
氧离曲线 | Oxygen dissociation curve | 168 |
氧热价 | Thermal equivalent of oxygen | 220 |
抑胃肽 | Gastric inhibitory polypeptide(GIP) | 189 |
抑制性突触后 | Inhibitory postsynaptic potential | 322 |
抑制区 | Suppressor region | 339 |
抑制素 | Inhibin | 412 |
孕酮 | Progesterone,P | 416 |
月经 | Menstruation | 414 |
盐酸 | Hydrochloric acid | 194 |
胰高血糖素 | Glucagon | 405,407 |
胰岛素 | Insulin | 405 |
胰蛋白酶原 | Trypsinogen | 204 |
胰脂肪酶 | Lioase | 204 |
胰淀粉酶 | Pencreatic amylase | 203 |
应激 | Stress | 400 |
移动性运动综合波 | Migrating motility complex(MMC) | 209 |
眼震颤 | Nystagmus | 296 |
菸碱型受体 | Nicotinic receptor | 313 |
营养性作用 | Trophic action | 190,317 |
运动辅助区 | Supplementary motor area | 331 |
α运动神经元 | α-motor neruon | 335 |
γ运动神经元 | γ-motor neuron | 335 |
运动区 | Motor area | 331,345 |
运动柱 | Notor column | 346 |
运动失语症 | Motor aphasia | 362 |
一侧优势 | Laterality,cerebral dominance | 362 |
异相睡眠 | Paradoxical sleep | 368 |
诱发电位 | Evoked potential | 364 |
依赖cAMP激酶 | CAMP-deopendent protein kinase,cAMP-PK,PKA | 373 |
允许作用 | Permissive action | 373 |
自身调节 | Autoregulation | 4 |
自动去极化 | Spontaneous depolarization | 102 |
自动节律性(自律性) | Auto-rhythmicity | 107 |
自律细胞 | Rhythmic cell | 97 |
质膜 | Plasma membrane | 7 |
载体 | Carrier | 12 |
主动转运 | Active transport | 13 |
终板电位 | End-plate potential | 40 |
造血干细胞 | Hemopoitric stem cells | 58 |
造血生长因子 | Hematopoietic growth factor,HGF | 62 |
中性粒细胞 | Neutrophils | 63 |
中心静脉压 | Central venous pressure | 123 |
中枢化学感受器 | Central chenoreceptor | 178 |
中枢延搁 | Central delay | 320 |
张力速度关系曲线 | Force velocity relation curve | 47,93 |
最大复极电位 | Maximal repolarization potential | 101 |
最适初长 | Optimal length | 47 |
最适前负荷 | Optimal preload | 47 |
阻力血管 | Resistance vessel | 115 |
轴流 | Axial flow | 118 |
轴突反射 | Axon reflex | 133 |
轴浆运输 | Axoplasmic transport,axoplaxmic flow | 303 |
组织液 | Interstitial fluid | 128,129 |
组胺 | Histamine | 141 |
周期性呼吸 | Periodic breathing | 181 |
咀嚼 | Mastication | 192 |
蒸发 | Evaporation | 232 |
致密斑 | Macular densa | 239 |
昼视觉 | Photopic vision | 279 |
姿势反射 | Postural refelex | 341 |
状态反射 | Attitudinal reflex | 341 |
震颤麻痹 | Paralysis agitans | 344 |
锥体系 | Pyramidal system | 346 |
锥体外系 | Extrapyramidal system | 346 |
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