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诺维乔克(俄文новичок,Novichok)是苏联在1970年代及1980年代开发的一系列神经毒剂[1]。据称有些衍生物的毒性可能是 VX (神经毒剂)的五至八倍,但无法得到证实[2][3]。诺维乔克属于苏联“Foliant”计划中开发的第四代化学武器[4],最早的名称是K-84,后来更名为A-230。诺维乔克系列包括超过一百种不同结构的变体[5],其中最有军事价值[来源请求]的是A-232(Novichok-5;[(2-chloro-1-methylethoxy)fluorohydroxy phosphinyl]oxy]carbonimidic chloride fluoride];氟磷酸氟氯二取代亚甲胺基(2-氯)异丙基酯),其次是A-230(Novichok-7;(2-chloroethoxy)fluorohydroxyphosphinyl]oxy] carbonimidic chloride fluoride;氟磷酸氟氯二取代亚甲胺基(2-氯)乙基酯)。
在1980年苏联化学家米尔査扬诺夫在《国家的秘密:俄罗斯化学武器计划内部知情人士的记述》一书中公开诺维乔克结构。[来源请求]Steven L. Hoenig在《化学与生物战剂手册》第二版中亦列出了部分Novichok家族成员的分子结构。
有二种有机磷制剂都被归类为诺维乔克毒剂。第一种是有dihaloformaldoxime基团的有机磷化合物,其通式如下:其中的R 可以是烷基、烷氧基、烷氨基或氟,而X为卤素(氟、氯、溴)或是像C≡N等拟卤素。这些化合物被广泛地记载在当时的苏联文献中,但不确定是否包括所有的诺维乔克毒剂[6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13]。
- ↑ Tucker, J. B.; War of Nerves; Anchor Books; New York; 2006; pp 232-233.
- ↑ Vadim J. Birstein. The Perversion Of Knowledge: The True Story of Soviet Science. Westview Press (2004) ISBN 0-8133-4280-5
- ↑ Yevgenia Albats and Catherine A. Fitzpatrick. The State Within a State: The KGB and Its Hold on Russia — Past, Present, and Future, 1994. ISBN 0-374-18104-7 (see pages 325-328)
- ↑ Tucker, J. B.; War of Nerves; Anchor Books; New York; 2006; pp 231.
- ↑ Tucker, J. B.; War of Nerves; Anchor Books; New York; 2006; pp 233.
- ↑ Kruglyak Yu L, Malekin SI, Martynov IV. Phosphorylated oximes. XII. Reactions of 2-halophospholanes with dichlorofluoronitrosomethane. Zhurnal Obshchei Khimii. 1972; 42(4):811-14.
- ↑ Raevskii OA, Chapysheva NV, Ivanov AN, Sokolov VB, Martynov IV. Effect of Alkyl Substituents in Phosphorylated Oximes. Zhurnal Obshchei Khimii. 1987; 57(12):2720-2723
- ↑ Raevskii OA, Grigor'ev V Yu, Solov'ev VP, Ivanov AN, Sokolov VB, Martynov IV. Electron-Donor Functions of Ethyl Methylchloroformimino Methylphosphonate. Zhurnal Obshchei Khimii. 1987; 57(9):2073-2078
- ↑ Makhaeva GF, Filonenko IV, Yankovskaya VL, Fomicheva SB, Malygin VV. Comparative studies of O,O-dialkyl-O-chloromethylchloroformimino phosphates: interaction with neuropathy target esterase and acetylcholinesterase. Neurotoxicology. 1998 Aug-Oct;19(4-5):623-8. PMID 9745921
- ↑ Raevskiĭ OA, Chistiakov VV, Agabekian RS, Sapegin AM, Zefirov NS. Formation of models of the interaction between organophosphate compound structure and their ability to inhibit cholinesterase. Bioorganicheskaia Khimiia. 1990 Nov;16(11):1509-22. PMID 2096825
- ↑ Ivanov IuIa, Sokolov VB, Epishina TA, Martynov IV. O-substituted alkylchloroformoximes as substrates and inhibitors of cholinesterases. Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR. 1990;310(5):1253-5. PMID 2354654
- ↑ Malygin VV, Sokolov VB, Richardson RJ, Makhaeva GF. Quantitative structure-activity relationships predict the delayed neurotoxicity potential of a series of O-alkyl-O-methylchloroformimino phenylphosphonates. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health Part A. 2003 Apr 11;66(7):611-25. PMID 12746136
- ↑ Steven L. Hoenig. Compendium of Chemical Warfare Agents. Springer New York, 2007. ISBN 978-0-387-34626-7
- ↑ Vil S Mirzayanov. State Secrets. An Insider's Chronicle of the Russian Chemical Weapons Program. (2009) pp142-145, 179-180. ISBN 978-1-4327-2566-2
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