A+医学百科 >> 硫唑嘌呤 |
制造商 葛兰素史克
片剂 为圆形,双凸,黄色薄膜衣片。注射粉剂 粉末为黄至琥珀色,无菌及冰冻干燥剂,含钠量约为4.5 mg。
目录 |
注射剂只有在无法口服时才由静脉给药,且当口服疗法可以耐受时即应停用。器官移植 第1日给予5 mg/kg体重,口服或静注。维持剂量要根据临床需要和血液系统的耐受性而调整,通常为1-4 mg/kg体重/日。维持治疗应无限期地进行。因为如果治疗中断,就有排斥的危险。其它疾病 开始剂量为1-3 mg/kg体重/日。应根据临床反应和血液学指标所示耐受程度而定。治疗效果明显时,应减少维持量至可保持此治疗效果的最低水平。如3个月内病人情况无改善,应考虑停用。所需维持量从1 mg/kg体重/日至3 mg/kg体重/日不等,取决于临床治疗需要和病人个体反应,包括血液学指标所示的耐受程度。兼有肝和/或肾功能不全者,剂量酌减。老年人用药的副作用发生率较其他病人高,应采用推荐剂量范围的低限值。
过敏反应:如全身不适、头晕、恶心、呕吐、腹泻、发热、寒战、肌痛、关节痛、肝功能异常和低血压。应立即停药和给予支持疗法,可使大部分病例恢复。造血功能 :可能产生剂量相关性、可逆性骨髓抑制,常见白细胞减少症,偶见贫血及血小板减少性紫癜。感染 :使用本药和肾上腺皮质激素的器官移植受者对病毒、真菌和细菌感染的易感性增加。胃肠道反应 :偶有恶心,餐后服药可缓解。罕见胰腺炎。肺部反应 :罕见可逆性肺炎。
症状 无法解释的感染、喉部溃疡、紫癜和出血,通常是用药9-14天达到最大的骨髓抑制而引起。一次性用药过量后,可出现恶心、呕吐及腹泻,接着是轻微的白血球减少和肝功能异常。治疗 目前尚无特效解毒药,进行胃灌洗后,可予对症支持治疗及密切监察血象。
每瓶注射剂应加入5-15 mL注射用水重组,(重组液pH值为10-12)并在使用前现配,未用完的药物要废弃。重组溶液贮存于15-25°C之间时可保存5天。5 mL重组溶液加入20-200 mL下列任一输注溶液稀释(稀释液pH值为8-9.5) :0.18%/0.45%/0.9%的氯化钠注射液+4%葡萄糖,该稀释液在室温下(15-25°C)可保存24小时。如重组或稀释液中可见混浊或结晶物沉淀,该溶液即应废弃。静脉注射时应注意不要将本药注射至血管周围,因为可可导致组织损伤。本药片剂不应被切开。配制注射剂应在无菌室或专设的房间中进行,操作人员应戴防护用具(手套,面罩,护目镜,一次性工作服),如皮肤接触到药液,应用肥皂和大量清水清洗,如果溅到眼中,应用氯化钠溶液或大量清水清洗。
Classification: Immunosuppressant
Action/Kinetics: Antimetabolite that is quickly split to form mercaptopurine. To be effective, the drug must be given during the induction period of the antibody response. The precise mechanism in depressing the immune response is unknown, but it suppresses cell-mediated hypersensitivities and alters antibody production. Inhibits synthesis of DNA, RNA, and proteins and may interfere with meiosis and cellular metabolism. The mechanism for its effect on autoimmune diseases is not known. Is readily absorbed from the GI tract. The anuric client manifests increased effectiveness and toxicity (up to twofold). Onset: 6-8 weeks for rheumatoid arthritis. t1/2: 3 hr.
As an adjunct to prevent rejection in renal homotransplantation. In adult clients meeting criteria for classic or definite rheumatoid arthritis as defined by the American Rheumatism Association. Restrict use to clients with severe, active, and erosive disease that is not responsive to conventional therapy. Investigational: Chronic ulcerative colitis, generalized myasthenia gravis, to control the progression of Behet's syndrome (especially eye disease), Crohn's disease (low doses).
Tablets, IV Use in renal homotransplantation. Adults and children, initial: 3-5 mg/kg (120 mg/m2), 1-3 days before or on the day of transplantation; maintenance: 1-3 mg/kg (45 mg/m2) daily. Rheumatoid arthritis, SLE. Adults and children, tablets, initial: 1 mg/kg (50-100 mg); then, increase dose by 0.5 mg/kg/day after 6-8 weeks and thereafter q 4 weeks, up to maximum of 2.5 mg/kg/day; maintenance: lowest effective dose. Dosage should be reduced in clients with renal dysfunction. Myasthenia gravis. 2-3 mg/kg/day. However, side effects occur in more than 35% of clients. To control progression of Behet's syndrome. 2.5 mg/kg/day. To treat Crohn's disease. 75-100 mg/day.
Pregnancy Category: D
Contraindications: Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis in pregnancy or in clients previously treated with alkylating agents. Pregnancy and lactation.
Special Concerns: Hematologic toxicity is dose-related and may occur late in the course of therapy; may be more severe in renal transplant clients undergoing rejection. Although used in children, safety and efficacy have not been established.
Hematologic: Leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, macrocytic anemia, severe bone marrow depression selective erythrocyte aplasia. GI: N&V, diarrhea, abdominal pain, steatorrhea. CNS: Fever, malaise. Other: Increased risk of carcinoma severe infections (fungal, viral, bacterial, and protozoal), and hepatotoxicity are major side effects. Also, skin rashes, alopecia, myalgias, increase in liver enzymes, hypotension, negative nitrogen balance.
ACE inhibitors / ↑ Risk of severe leukopenia Allopurinol / ↑ Pharmacologic effect of azathioprine R/T ↓ liver breakdown Anticoagulants / ↓ Anticoagulant effect Corticosteroids / With azathioprine, may cause muscle wasting after prolonged therapy Cyclosporine / ↑ Plasma cyclosporine levels Echinacea / Do not give with azathioprine Methotrexate / ↑ Plasma levels of the active metabolite, 6-mercaptopurine Tubocurarine / ↓ Tubocurarine effect and other nondepolarizing neuromuscular blocking agents
Symptoms: Large doses may result in bone marrow hypoplasia bleeding, infection, and death. Treatment: Approximately 45% can be removed from the body following 8 hr of hemodialysis.
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