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《亨利·格雷氏人体解剖学》(英语:Henry Gray's Anatomy of the Human Body),通常简短地写成《格雷氏解剖学》(Gray's Anatomy),是一部英语人体解剖学教科书,解剖学的经典著作之一。作者是亨利·格雷,原先发表书名是《格雷氏解剖学:描述与外科》(Gray's Anatomy: Descriptive and Surgical),于1858年出版于英国,并于次年在美国发行。格雷在研究传染疾病的解剖学意义时,受到其甥姪感染而患上天花,并且在1860年二版发行后不久逝世。之后此书籍的编写工作是由其他人持续进行,第40版于2008年发行。
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《格雷氏解剖学》的最新一版为第40版(Churchill Livingstone版),在2008年9月分别在英美发行,新版本包括线上版本。该版本作者是Susan Standring,英国国王学院(King's College)解剖学与人体科学系系主任,出版商是Elsevier。
另一种版本《学生版格雷氏解剖学》(Gray's Anatomy for Students)发行于2004年10月。不过这是内容较为简略的全新著作,不是原作的新版。作者为Richard L. Drake, A. Wayne Vogl, Adam W. M. Mitchell, and Abdulrahaman Dia。而其他早期版本依然在印行贩售当中。在网络上可以找到许多1901年版的重印本,不过这些版本中并没有新的解剖学知识。
- Gray's Anatomy: The Anatomical Basis of Medicine and Surgery, 39th edition (2004), 1600 pages, Churchill-Livingstone, ISBN 0-443-07168-3 — the U.K version.
- Gray's Anatomy: The Anatomical Basis of Clinical Practice, 39th edition (2004), 1627 pages, C.V. Mosby, ISBN 0-443-07168-3 - the U.S. version.
- Publisher's page for the U.K. 39th edition (book, ISBN 0-443-07168-3)
- Publisher's page for the 40th version (book, ISBN 978-0-443-06684-9)
- Publisher's page for the 39th edition's CD-ROM format (CD-ROM, ISBN 0-443-06675-2)
- Gray, Henry, Anatomy Descriptive and Surgical, London: John W. Parker and Son. 1858 [16 October 2011] Online- and PDF versions of the 1st edition at Open Library/Internet Archive. Several other editions are also available at this site.
- Gray's Anatomy: The Anatomical Basis of Clinical Practice. 40th, Churchill-Livingstone, Elsevier. 2008, ISBN 978-0-443-06684-9
- Richardson, Ruth, A Historical Introduction to Gray's Anatomy//Susan Standring, Gray's Anatomy: The Anatomical Basis of Clinical Practice. 39th (electronic version), Edinburgh: Elsevier Churchill Livingston. 2005 [16 October 2011], A brief history of the British Edition of the book.
- Richardson, Ruth, The Making of Mr. Gray's Anatomy, Oxford University Press. 2008, ISBN 0-19-955299-1
- Hayes, Bill, The Anatomist: a True story of Gray's Anatomy, Ballantine. 2007, ISBN 978-0-345-45689-2
- http://www.bartleby.com/107/ — The complete 20th U.S. edition of Gray's Anatomy of the Human Body, published in 1918, the content of which is in the public domain.
- http://www.graysanatomyonline.com/content/0443066760/suppfiles/HistoricalIntro.pdf - A comprehensive history of the British Edition of the book
- Online version of Gray's Anatomy from Yahoo
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