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This wiki is powered by MediaWiki, copyright © 2001-2010 Magnus Manske, Brion Vibber, Lee Daniel Crocker, Tim Starling, Erik Möller, Gabriel Wicke, Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason, Niklas Laxström, Domas Mituzas, Rob Church, Yuri Astrakhan, Aryeh Gregor, Aaron Schulz, Andrew Garrett, Raimond Spekking, Alexandre Emsenhuber, Siebrand Mazeland, Chad Horohoe and others.

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产品 版本
MediaWiki 1.16.0
PHP 5.3.10-1ubuntu3.15 (fpm-fcgi)
MySQL 5.5.32


CategoryTree 以AJAX技术显示分类结构 Daniel Kinzler
Contribution Scores (版本1.11)Polls the wiki database for highest user contribution volume Tim Laqua
Nuke Gives sysops the ability to mass delete pages Brion Vibber
Refresh Special (版本1.2.1)Allows manual special page refresh of special pages Bartek Łapiński和Jack Phoenix
Add_HTML_Meta_and_Title (版本0.8)Adds the <seo title="html title" h1="page title" metak="keywords" metad="description" /> tag so you can add to the meta keywords and HTML-title, page title of a wiki-page. Vladimir Radulovski - vladradulov<at>gmail.com,flying yang, based on the work of Jim Wilson - wilson.jim.r<at>gmail.com
CategoryTree 以AJAX技术显示分类结构 Daniel Kinzler
Cite 增加用于引用的<ref[ name=id]>和<references/>标签 Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
CreateBox (版本1.6)于Wiki中包含创建页面的输入框 Ross McClure
DynamicPageList 输出一个点列最近在分类中的项目,或者系数个分类的一个联系 AmgineIlyaHaykinson
Edit Section Link Transform (版本1.0)Replaces the [edit] EditSection link in articles with an icon. Tim Laqua, t.laqua at gmail dot com
Hierarchy (版本1.3.2)Creates a hierarchical page navigation structure Fernando Correia, Mark Hechim, Flying Yang
ImageMap 容许客户端可以使用<imagemap>标签整可点击图像地图 Tim Starling
Maps (版本0.7.8)Enables embedding of dynamic maps into wiki pages, geocoding of addresses and other geographical operations. (demos) Jeroen De Dauw
New Page CSS (版本1.1.0)Adds a parser hook to add per-page CSS using the <css> tag Julian Porter和&ampAElig;var Arnfj&ampouml;r&ampeth; Bjarmason
ParserFunctions (版本1.3.0)用逻辑函数加强解析器 Tim Starling、Robert Rohde、Ross McClure和Juraj Simlovic
RawMsg (版本0.1)Adds a parser function for inserting raw messages. Jim R. Wilson - wilson.jim.r<at>gmail.com
RSS Reader (版本0.2.5)Adds <rss> tag Artem Kaznatcheev
Variables (版本1.3)Define page-scoped variables Rob Adams, Tom Hempel and Daniel Werner
[ VideoFlash(mod)] VideoFlash (YouTube, GoogleVideo, Dailymotion, sevenload...) Alberto Sarullo, SignpostMarv Martin, Frank Forte, Flying.Yang
Abuse Filter 对编辑行为自动进行条件判定 Andrew Garrett、River Tarnell和Victor Vasiliev
AntiSpoof 禁止创建用户名使用混合文字、容易混淆或与已存在用户名过于相似的帐户 Brion Vibber
[ AutoLink] (版本3.8) Hyunsik Kim, Flying Yang
ConfirmEdit (版本1.0)通过验证码技术来阻止垃圾邮件和密码猜解 Brion Vibber和...
Disable Special Pages Allow wiki administrators to make a special page unavailable Rob Church
Google Analytics Integration (版本2.0.1)Inserts Google Analytics script (ga.js) in to MediaWiki pages for tracking. Tim Laqua
[ Google Site Search 2.0] Uses Google to search the wiki, instead of MediaWiki's own search function (not affiliated in any way with Google, Inc.) Ryan Finnie,flying yang
HeaderFooter (版本2.1.1)Enables per-page/per-namespace headers and footers Jean-Lou Dupont,flying yang
SimpleAntiSpam (版本1.0)加一个简单的垃圾/机械人检查表格 Ryan Schmidt
StubManager (版本1.3.2.patched_by_flying.yang)Provides stubbing facility for extensions handling rare events.
Jean-Lou Dupont
Title Blacklist (版本1.4.2)容许禁止建立指定标题的页面: MediaWiki:TitleblacklistMediaWiki:Titlewhitelist VasilievVV和Fran Rogers
Validator (版本0.4.12)Provides generic parameter handling support for other extensions Jeroen De Dauw
confirmEditSetup、efCategoryTree、efMapsSetup、efRSSReader、setupSEOParserHooks、wfDynamicArticleList、wfHierarchyExtension、wfHierarchyParserFunction_Setup、wfSetupParserFunctions、wfSetupVariables、wfVideoFlash、(StubManager, setup)和(RawMsg, setup)
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